Tag Archives: shake and bake


Happy Thursday everyone!  I totally forgot to mention that yesterday was the FIRST SNOW DAY OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. Pretty exciting stuff if you ask me. I spent the day accordingly: reading, baking muffins, eating and going to my regular Wednesday night yoga class. Oh, by the way, the muffins are delicious. Check that shizz out. 😉

I spent a good 3 hours during the morning (only breaking to use the bathroom and fetch a glass of water) reading one of the many books I purchased after last month’s Chapters raid visit; “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy. I only have about 1/4 of the book left to read (I read 196 pages yesterday) and must say..what an EXCELLENT BOOK. It’s about a father and son journeying through a post apocalyptic America. Ooooh. The only problem? I have a very vivid imagination, and this book has some…graphic stuff. Well, not graphic to READ, but you get the idea pretty clearly.

Too clearly, apparently, as i’m still feeling sick. Ate pork for supper…yay. I’m tempted to convert to full on vegetarianism now. BUT READ IT. YES. PLEASE DO. IT’S AMAZING; I WILL FINISH IT. I’M JUST A PANSY.

Speaking of supper, I really wish I could upload pictures to my computer…I prepared a lovely looking salad with pork covered in Shake & Bake. (Oh, Shake&Bake..how I love thee).

Breakfast was another Ezekiel English muffin (Of course I WOULD fall head over heels in love with probably the most expensive english muffins ever made…oh well. Too delicious) with MaraNatha peanut butter and Crofter’s superfruit spread in “Asia” flavour. With some mango. Best combination; I find sometimes the simplest things often taste the best 😉

Well I guess that’s all I have to say for now! It’s Survivor Night tonight (GO RUPERT!!) and no amount of nausea will keep me from the nachos Mom always makes. Omg, delicious. My best friend might also be stopping by for a bit! Joy~~~ ❤

Take care everyone!


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