No buns!

First of all…has everyone heard of the “Double Down” KFC is hauling out? For those of you who haven’t,

all I can say is…”WTF”. I’ve never liked KFC, the sheer amount of grease made me feel sick to my stomach–even as a child. This is just depressing. I don’t understand food corporations sometimes. It seems like EVERY place has that one insane food item. Aaanyway, moving on!

I stayed home today with a cold, which meant I took a rest day. No exercise. It’s interesting, though. A few weeks ago I would have been wracked with exercise guilt. No more. I’ve come to see exercise as something I do to benefit myself, feel great, and make myself stronger. Not as something I NEED to do to burn ___ amount of calories because I splurged a little. I exercise because it makes me feel good, end of story. And when my body is exhausted, I know that pushing it to work is NOT what it needs on a day like today. Instead, I fed myself and relaxed. It feels fantastic. Before I put up todays eats, though, I want to do a recap of Easter weekend!

We had Easter dinner early on Saturday with Mom’s side of the family, I sadly forgot my camera..but a LOT was eaten. I left feeling over stuffed but it was so, so worth it. And heck, I only eat like that about 3 times a year, so really, who cares?

Sunday was the most GORGEOUS day yet! It was about 20 outside, and I could not beeelieve the weather! Mom and I went for a long bike ride which felt amazing, and I came home to have a late, light lunch. I knew exactly what I wanted.. a GM. 🙂

In my GM was;

1 c. unsweetened Almond Breeze

2-3 huuge handfuls spinach

1/2 banana

4 frozen strawberries

~1/2c. frozen mixed berries

1 T vanilla yogurt

a few slices mango

Sooo yummy and delicious. 🙂

Monday I went downtown, and had an aaaamazing lunch at Pete’s Fruitique, as always. Pete’s has the best food ever! And the quality is always unbelievable! I had the Ham sandwich;

Ham, provolone cheese, roasted peppers & mushrooms, tomato, cucumber, and a few black olives.


aaand now, today! The sick day eats!

mix of Kashi GOLEAN crunch & Optimum blueberry cinnamon cereal. With a kiwi.

Campbell’s Healthy Request “Vegetable Beef & Barley” soup with an Ezekiel english muffin! (Sooo yummy and filling! I didn’t eat the last few bites of the 2nd half of the muffin).

dessert marked a sad day..

the ADORABLE dark chocolate Lindt bunny my Mom bought me for Easter! I’m not a huge sweets person (I USED to be. I think it’s all the fresh fruit I eat now..less sugar cravings!) LOOK AT THAT CUTENESS. Who could eat that!?

Me, apparently.

Who really needs ears, anyway?

Have a lovely day everyone! 🙂


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biiggggg update

Hey everyone! I’m so sorry for the lack of posts! Let’s attempt to recap, shall we?

The week before last was March Break (yay!) and I had a great time. One of the few highlights was the Thursday, as I got to head out to downtown with my Mom. : ) We stopped for lunch at a local place i’d always wanted to try called The Argyle. Since we were having a late lunch (around 2pm) the place wasn’t very busy. Maybe that was also due to the fact it was a Thursday…regardless, we sat down to enjoy our meal.

I was craving carbs, and the Portobello mushroom burger sounded PERFECT to me. (Lately everytime I go out to eat at a restaurant and they serve a portobello burger..i’m sold! It’s a sickness!)

It was served open-faced with grilled mushrooms, tomato, greens, melted swiss (i think?) cheese, ROASTED red peppers, tomato sauce and guacamole. I was in foodie HEAVEN. It was AMAZING. For my side I asked if I could have 1/2 a side of fries and 1/2 a side of salad, and the waitress obliged. It was the perfect amount of fries and I ate up every bite! (I was getting hangry at this point. ;))

Mom tried some sort of thai noodle salad, and subbed in some pineapple. It was yummy, but waaaay too spicy for me! She loved it though, and I must say , the presentation was excellent!

I was impressed with both our foods looks, actually. 🙂

I plan to go to The Argyle again. Sadly, our server wasn’t very good and basically ignored us, (we had to start putting our coats on to make her come over and ask if we were finished our meal!) but the food was AWESOME. 🙂

Come to think of it , Halifax is FULL of amazing food. We have so many unique restaurants, bistros and cafes’s wonderful! Along with some of THE BEST PEOPLE (I don’t think i’ve ever been downtown and not had something cool happen to me!) and an amazing mixed culture…I want to stay here forever. 🙂

I love my city!!!

The next “eats” i’ll tell you about were last night! 🙂 Had a pork roast dinner, but DESSERT is what made me smile (–more. when am I not smiling!?) I couldn’t think up a good dessert, so I made some instant pudding and bought some cool whip. Done. Then Dad surprised me by making parfaits…

do you see where I get my foodie passion/abilities from? 🙂 I love my Dad. Anyway, as simple as this was, it was DELICIOUS.

I take my puddin’ parfait-consumption very seriously.

Now as i’m sure you’re all asleep on your keyboards by now, i’ll finish off on a quick note. 🙂 Tonight’s supper was “hot roast pork sandwiches”. With fries and peas/carrots/corn.

my plate. I had seconds of the fries/veggies….i am a glutton. it’s sad. Don’t judge me. My food doesn’t judge me; it loves me back.

Well GOODNIGHT, whoever you are. I leave you with a blessing;

“by Thor’s hammer!!”

Sweet dreams. 🙂


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Hello everyone! 🙂 Today’s post should have been Tuesday’s…but I was lazy (errgh) and didn’t update. How did I go from religiously blogging every day to only every so often!? Perhaps I’ll start focusing on just one meal of the day, then I won’t feel as pressured to photograph EVERYTHING.

Anywho, today you’ll see Tuesday’s amazing breakfast and lunch. For breakfast, I was reunited with an old friend…


Soooooooooooo good. and with a spoonful of peanut butter, it cannot be beat. Into my pot went;

  • 1/3 c. Quaker old fashioned oats (the kind that cook in like..5-10 mins or something)
  • 1/3 c. water
  • 1/3 c. unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze
  • 1/2 banana, sliced
  • 1/2 T chia seeds

Let that cook, “whipping” it so that the banana mixes in with the oats. Once it was done I topped it with cinnamon, a big spoonful of peanut butter and some fresh blueberries.

holy yum.

Lunch was a little recipe I sort of came up with a few months ago. It’s FANTASTIC.

Chickpea Salad

  • 1/2 c. chickpeas
  • tomato, zucchini , cucumber, onion, all finely chopped
  • about 2 t EVOO
  • splash of balsamic vinegar
  • small splash of red wine vinegar
  • sprinkling of crumbled feta cheese

heated up in the microwave for about 40 seconds then served over a bed of greens. 🙂 SO GOOOOD.

Well that’s all food wise. This morning I just had an egg/ezekiel english muffin breakfast sandwich and a kiwi. No photographs..I’m headed out to lunch/some errands with my Mom later. I’ll try and photograph! 🙂 Have a great Thursday everyone!

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Hey everyone! Long time no see. I’m soooo sorry I haven’t posted in so long. Really, I can’t say I have much of an excuse. Part busy, part lack of creativity in the blogging department. I swear i’ll make it up to you, though.

With this:

Chocolate Dreams” banana french toast

This is good…. very good. In fact, my Dad dragged himself from his sleep deprived state and came downstairs to see just exactly what in Gods name I was eating that was causing me to make sounds of pure joy. It was this my friends.

  • 2 slices bread (I used whole wheat, you could use whatever)
  • 1/2 – 1 T Peanut Butter & Co’s “Dark Chocolate Dreams” spread
  • 1/2 lrg banana
  • 1 egg (or 2 egg whites/whatever substitute you might want. Personally, I like me some cholesterol. ;))
  • splash of milk
  • approx. 5 drops Vanilla extract
  • Cinnamon

Spread the chocolate/peanut-y goodness on one side of each of your pieces of bread. Slice the banana into fairly thin circular pieces and place on one piece of bread. Smoosh these together to make a sandwich.

In a shallow dish using a fork, whisk egg, milk, vanilla and cinnamon together. (I’m not sure how much cinnamon I used. I love cinnamon. I smother things in cinnamon. Use as much as you want.) Place your sandwich in this mixture and coat one side. Flip the sandwich and coat the other side. (Use tongs if you wish, they help.)

Spray a frying pan with nonstick spray (or coat it in butter. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone) and let it heat up on medium high heat. Once you can flick water onto it and see the droplets “dance”, it’s heated enough. Throw your dripping sandwich of excellence on there, wait for one side to brown, then flip. Put on a plate, drizzle with maple syrup if you wish and prepare to experience a food-gasm.

I enjoyed mine with a delicious orange. I feel a cold coming on, so gotta ward that off.

you can never have too much maple syrup. It is physically impossible. No, it really is.

Now i’m off to hunt for a prom dress. 🙂 I’ll most likely blog about that eventually. Happy Sunday!!

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Happy Friday!! I don’t know about you, but I looveee Fridays. Usually, anyway. My plans for tonight went down the toilet, but i’m still enjoying myself.

I had originally planned to go over to a friends house with a bunch of people (we used to do it every friday for basically 2 consecutive years. Then I started drifting away from the group due to drama, etc…ANYWAY) but then a lot of them got tickets to a basketball game, so I made plans to hang out with my good friend Alan. It turns out the basket ball game was canceled, but I decided to stick with my plans with Alan. Theeenn Alan isn’t allowed to have anyone over, and by that time it’d be too late for me to go to the other house. So instead, I stayed home andbaked cookies. 🙂 I’ve been such a HERMIT lately, it’s depressing! I’m super busy this weekend and the weekend after that, and NEXT friday i’ll be going to the house…so it all works out. 🙂 Tomorrow i’m going to an old friends birthday celebration, hence the COOKIE CREATION.

I always had a go to recipe for chocolate chip cookies from some ancient cookbook of my Dad’s that was called “Kids in the Kitchen”. It was the PERFECT recipe. Just the right blend of brown and white sugars, the perfect amount of butter (not so much as to overpower the cookie) and a wonderful amount of chocolate chips…..mmm. Sadly, I left it at a friends house a few months ago while we were baking the cookies (they were pretty famous with my friends) and my cookbook was lost in her house. Not sure how that works, but it happened.

So I was left shattered; insecure. What was I without my chocolate chip cookie recipe ? Just an empty, hollow shell. A ghost of the foodie I used to be.

Until now.

Chocolate peanut chip cookies

(adapted from Bite Me)

  • 2 1/2 c. all purpose flour (I substituted in about 3/4 c. whole wheat)
  • 1/2 t Baking Soda
  • 1/4 t salt
  • 1 c butter
  • 1 c. brown sugar (I did loosely packed)
  • 1/2 c granulated sugar (I used splenda)
  • 1 t vanilla extract
  • 1 egg + 1 yolk
  • about 1 c. chocolate chips [I used a mix of chocolate and Reese’s peanut butter chips.:) ( But I usually eyeball adding in the ‘chips anyway~)]

Preheat oven 325 degrees F

  • Line baking sheet with parchment paper (my first batch burned slightly on the bottom when I did this, so I omitted it for the second oven IS evil, though, so it might have just been me.)
  • In med. bowl combine flour, baking soda & salt
  • in another lrg. bowl beat butter & sugars with mixer on medium speed. Beat in vanilla and egg + 1 yolk until light and fluffy.
  • Gradually mix flour into wet mixture using low speed of mixer
  • Bake 10-15 mins or until golden on the top.
  • Makes 20-25 cookies 🙂

Now, generally when I bake I bake HEALTHY things. But since these are for a party I barely made any healthy substitutions..and WOW. These ROCKED my taste buds. (I enjoyed the bits of dough I “sampled” more than the 1/4 of a cookie i took from Dad) it’s been FAR too long since i’ve had a “proper” chocolate chip cookie. 😉

While these were baking I also packed together my food for work tomorrow…since i’m going to the party tomorrow night (and will most likely over indulge. I’m going to try and exercise control though!!!) I packed lots of healthy stuff for work. 🙂 Before work I’ll have some Liberte organic strawberry yogurt with a sprinkling of fiber 1 cereal….then Kashi GOLEAN crunch, 1/2 a banana and a kiwi fruit on my break, then a huge salad and a LARABAR for my 2nd break!!

My grocery store only had 2 kinds of Larabar (cherry pie or apple pie) so I went for the apple. Even though they’re fairly high in fat, I know it’s all the good kinds of fat..i’m excited to try it!!

Today’s eats weren’t very exciting. We’re experiencing a hurricane so I didn’t walk to OR from school 😦 I really missed my daily walks!! They’re more than excercise to me, they’re meditation!

BUT I did work in my usual 20 minutes of Tony this morning 😉 so not all was lost. I doubt i’ll be blogging tomorrow, so I hope EVERYONE HAS A HAPPY SATURDAY!! 🙂

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Bottomless pit

So i’ve started reading Julie & Julia (due to a couple recommendations..hmm, is this a bad thing or a good thing? :P) and am REALLY liking it so far. It inspires me to treat my blog as a journal– a writing tool, rather than me sounding like a peppy cheer leader. (Or is that just me? ;)) I think i’m subconsciously trying to mimic the “voices” of all the blogs that inspire me, so from hear on out i’ll try and be more…well, talkative. 🙂

Breakfast was nothing REALLY special. Just some Nature’s path optimum slim with a bit of Kashi mixed in, topped with a BUNCH of fruit. some mango & 1/2 a banana, to be exact.

This was REALLY filling, but I managed to eat it all since I hate getting so hangry mid morning! In fact I didn’t think I’d even need my midmorning snack until I went for a walk on my free period…and came back hungry and feeling WEAK. My first “symptom” of hunger is either a) crankiness or b) the feeling that my body is made of jell-O. So out of the bag came the ever faithful midmorning snack..

anyone else TOTALLY in love with Kashi bars? I eat one almost EVERYDAY (thank you, Costco 3 pack) and looveee them.

An hour and ten minutes later was lunch, and GOOD THING, since my stomach was rumbling again. I tried something new today and had an AVOCADO SANDWICH on a sandwich thin!

I actually managed to PHOTOGRAPH MY LUNCH TODAY. Aren’t you all so proud of me?

The sandwich was;

  • 1 wedge laughing cow light cheese spread on both sides
  • tomato
  • cucumber
  • 1/2 avocado, sliced
  • baby spinach
  • salt & peper

It was SOOOOOOOOOO good. 🙂 I also had a honeycrisp apple!

I came home and snacked on some carrots & salsa, and a handful of Quaker “Corn Bran Squares” cereal. (Like little squares of CRACK.) Also munched on 1 Darvida cracker while preparing supper… spaghetti!

We make our own spaghetti sauce from scratch here, and I forgot to picture my dinner..but rest assured it was delicious 😉 My only issue..who can stop at 1 serving of pasta? I’m pretty sure I ate more like 3-4 with supper. (I picked at the leftover spaghetti sitting in the strainer. Woe is me.) Also had rolls with a sprinkling of cheese on the side 😉

Dessert was BANANA SOFT SERVE~ I thank the gods for letting me stumble across this recipe!

(made mine a bit too runny this time, buuuut it’s SO EASY AND GOOD WHO CARES!? Into the magic bullet went; )

  • 1 frozen banana (peel taken off)
  • 1-1/2 t chia seeds
  • a splash of skim milk

blendblendblend! Then add chocolate sauce and whatever else you want. I had 1 graham cracker with mine 😉

I was FINALLY full after all that. Geez, I depress myself sometimes. I also baked oatmeal muffins tonight and split one with Mom to try…they are GOOD. One will be my snack for tomorrow morning. 🙂

Night everyone!


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Welcome to hump day everyone! I hope yours went well. 🙂 Mine every other day i’ve been having lately. Hence the title. School is the sameee thing every day…bleh! I need variety, but I’m such a homebody/fittomyschedule it’s hard for me to make spontaneous plans and such. I also seem to let food cloud my decisions about going places, which needs to stop now. I will do this (already have been, actually). ANYWAY, on to the food~

breakfast was another toasted Ezekiel english muffin with some new ALMOND BUTTER i finally bought and more Crofter’s superfruit spread. Paired with some mango slices. Mmmmm.

That kept me reaally satisfied all morning (or maybe my appetite is just off today) so when I sort of got hungry right before lunch I gave most of my Kashi bar to Leah.

Lunch was consumed far too quickly to be photographed, but it was just 1 piece of leftover pizza from last night (YAY portion control) with a smallish salad and 1/2 an apple. That filled me up nicely so when I came home I only had a big cup of green tea, 1/2 a pear (had to toss it, it tasted chalky in my mouth :\ ) and some carrots with hummus. and a darvida cracker 😉

Supper was awesome. “broiled” “healthier” grilled cheese sandwiches with homemade sweet potato fries.

sorry about the photo! By the time I remembered to take a picture my meal was basically gone. This is what was left on Mom’s plate before she finished. To make MY grilled cheese healthier, I

  • sprayed some Pam on a baking sheet instead of buttering the bread
  • used whole grain whole wheat bread
  • used kraft 2% cheese
  • added tomato and TONS of spinach
  • put that all in the oven set to low broil and wait til one side toasts, flip, repeat!

It was super tasty and just as good as a normal sandwich. My appetite was crazy though but since i had YOGA tonight dessert wasn’t much. Some grapes..then some applesauce.

Tea in one of my favourite mugs. It says “2000” on the handle and a picture of Pooh bear & Piglet with text that reads “Cold days are meant for warm friends”. Awwww. It was given to me by a good friend of mine. 🙂

Yoga was AMAZING. We did a lot of back stretching which felt really nice~ I came home and snacked on a few handfuls of Old Dutch multigrain nacho chips though. 😐 Not the best choice but they’re so darn good ! I managed to stop myself and NOT go anywhere near overeating. Small steps at a time. 🙂

Night everyone!

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Happy…Tuesday everyone!! (Not much of a reason to be happy, buuut whatever!) WAIT, what am I saying? There’s always a reason to be happy. Remember that.

As mentioned yesterday, today’s breakfast was a yogurt parfait…I actually spent a bit of time last night dreaming this little baby up (am I a complete dork or what? ….don’t comment on that ;)). Post workout I had another enriching blueberry green’s smoothie, but that didn’t hold a candle too…

My parfait!!

is she cute or WHAT? (And may I add, very tasty ;)) the mix was;

  • 1/2 c. + 2 T Liberte non-fat organic strawberry yogurt
  • 1/2 c. Kashi GOLEAN crunch cereal (Almost exactly like granola IMO)
  • Cantaloupe

My morning went pretty well. At the beginning of 3rd period I snacked on a Kashi TLC bar in the “dark chocolate cherry” flavour. (Had to have this flavour after reading about Starbuck’s latest spring drink…CHOCOLATE CHERRY MOCHA. HOLY YUM.) I love every single Kashi product i’ve tried so far, it’s awesome knowing i’m eating something good for me, too.

I forgot to photograph lunch (hahaha so not used to food blogging yet!) but it was simply leftover Pork and Pepper pasta from last night and a honey crisp apple. Also about 3 tortilla chips from a plate Leah was eating. 😛

After school I had 3 Darvida crackers (YUM!!) with about 2 tsp almond butter. After that Mom and I headed to Walmart since I have to renew my passport & needed a new photo. I’m heading to NEW YORK CITY at the end of April..ohmygosh, I CANNOT WAIT. SDFNDFKNDGGHFG. I’m sorry to say it’s probably the WORST picture of me ever, LOL!! The photographer did warn that passport photos are NEVER flattering. At least it beats my old picture! (12 years old..rocking a turtleneck sweater..oo baby).

Stopped by the grocery store and I picked up some more Ezekiel english muffins, some more Optimum Slim cereal and my very first jar of ALMOND BUTTER! (The stuff I had before was from a sampler from a bucket at the bulk food store…not real almond butter). Going to try it out tomorrow, I’m quite excited 😀 (love me?)

For supper Mom and I made homemade pizzas. (Well, MOSTLY homemade..the crust is a whole wheat thin crust that is store bought..)

On it was:

  • Tomato Sauce
  • Spinach
  • roasted red peppers, onion, mushroom & zucchini
  • low fat mozza cheese
  • crumbled feta cheese

OMMGGG I love homemade pizza. The above picture is from Mom’s pizza but mine looked the same. We each eat 2 pieces (half the pizza…LOL. I don’t care. 🙂 )

Dessert was identical to yesterdays. A huge mug of tea and some fruit w/ chocolate sauce:

Well that’s all ! Night everyone 🙂

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TWO blog posts in one day…OMG. New record. (What was the old one..? Hahaha..oh dear,i’m lame.) I last left you with a picture of my breakfast, which was happily consumed and then I went off to school. My Mom called me during my walk to school to tell me I had a doctors appointment at 11:45. No biggie, had some prescriptions that needed renewing. So went to Astronomy (favourite class of the semester! :)) and then got to miss math due to me having to walk to the appointment (AKA…NO MATH. YESSSSSSSSS.) My friend Leah came with me, as she didn’t want to go to class. (sssh!)

While Leah and I sat down to wait we were both hungry, so I broke out my mid-morning snack staple.. a KASHI GRANOLA BAR.

this one was “seven whole grains & almond”. I bought a box of ’em at Costco that had 3 different flavours (3 boxes!!) for the price of basically ONE. Oh, Costco. I love you. Leah and I shared this bar.

Now is when things turned..not so good. For some reason my doctors appointments are ALWAYS behind. They said i’d be in at 11:45 and didn’t end up being seen until 12:30!! Matt stopped by to get Leah (my friends Leah, Nicki and I always go to our friend Matt’s for lunch) and I was left to wait. By now I was very HANGRY. (Aka, feeling like I want to cry..hungry..cranky…etc.) I finally got to see the doctor, it took her TWO MINUTES to press a few keys and renew my prescription. I was MAD. Thankfully, Matt lived not so far from the office so I booked it down the main road/highway to his house (close to tears. DON’T JUDGE ME) to INHALE my lunch (a salad). No pictures, no time 🙂 and we all jump into Matt’s car to head back to school. Had one class after lunch then got to go home~ Once the hanger attack passed I was a-okay for the rest of the day. Does anyone else get like that or is it just me…?

After school I made a snack i’m growing to love..I turned to my 2 other best friends;

Kashi GOLEAN crunch cereal & Liberte organic non-fat yogurt in STRAWBERRY. Mixed 1/2 c. of yogurt with a sprinkling of cereal. I also threw in a small apple.

Planning to have a version of this for BREAKFAST tomorrow. 🙂 I’m trying to eat more varied breakfasts now. Oh, I also had a handful of Quaker Corn Bran squares cereal..not photographed. (I’m a “grazer” when it comes to snack, gotta cut down on that! Makes it hard to photograph everything :P) Also had a HUUUGEEE mug of green tea!

After my snack I took a BATH. Something I haven’t done in ages! It was relaxing. After my bath I started to make supper so it’d be ready for Mom when she got home. (She was home late today).

Last night since we had a pork roast, I made pork & pepper pasta with the leftover pork! This is SERIOUSLY one of my favourite meals. It’s DELICIOUS.

My serving. Also had a whole wheat roll. Went back for seconds…thirds..then picked at some of the unused plain pasta since it had to be thrown away. (What’s portion control?)

Dessert was FRUIT. I love how I crave fruit instead of chocolate, cake, etc…it’s so much more delicious! 🙂 We had bought a cantaloupe so I cut that baby open and threw in some grapes.

(I ended up drizzling about 2tsp of chocolate sauce over this after the photo was taken. Tee hee.)

Along with some tea in my favourite mug. (I’m a HUGE tea person. I drink it after supper every night without fail.)

Well that’s all for tonight! Until later everyone!! 🙂

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Hey everyone! This’ll just be a short post (I plan to blog when I get home).

Today’s monday which means…DOUBLE FREE for me! (First & Last period’s off. AKA, go to school an hour later and get off an hour early). AWESOME. I didn’t have time to blog this weekend due to being pretty busy! As a Tim Hortons employee, I work almost every weekend. Early. I don’t mind morning shifts though! It just means I get off earlier. 🙂 Saturday was an alright day, and afterwards my friend Evan came over for chicken wings, spinach salad and nachos! Yum! 🙂

Sunday I was up at 5:50 to get ready for my 7am shift, did one 10 minute trainer video then threw myself together my enriching blueberry greens smoothie and some Liberte fat free strawberry yogurt for my “pre work” snack. Generally I eat my “breakfast” on my first break.

Lately I have NOT been eating enough at work (1st break is usually a bowl of Kashi cereal with a kiwi and a cup of green tea..then nothing until my 2nd break where i’d eat an apple. Suffice to say by the time 3pm rolls around I am HANGRY!!) so this weekend I took extra effort to pack myself a decent MEAL for my 2nd break also. Here’s what Sunday’s food looked like;

Kashi cereal, kiwi (in the small red container) and in the Sobeys bag was leftover spinach salad from Saturday night..with an orange. I felt SO much better after work than when I ate less! MAGIC. 🙂

My family always has a nice sunday dinner, usually a roast. Last night was a pork roast from Costco with asparagus and roasted potatoes.

oh yeah, did I mention the hollandaise sauce?

I don’t care that it came from a packet. It was delicious. I love this sauce.

I should be heading off to walk to school soon, so i’ll leave you with a picture of breakfast!

Egg white breakfast sandwich on an Ezekiel english muffin, with a sprinkling of Kraft “Tex-mex” shredded cheese…and a kiwi. 😉

Until later everyone! 🙂

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